Tag Tracker > Privacy Policy

latest update: 13th of August 2024

This Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of Your information when You use the Service and tells You about Your privacy rights and how the law protects You.

We use Your Personal data to provide and improve the Service. By using the Service, You agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


1.1. Information we collect

While using our Services, we may ask you to provide us with certain personal data or personal information that can be used to identify you («Personal Data», or «data» or «information»). We may also collect Personal Data automatically, or from third-party partners or services. The Personal Data we collect includes:

1.2. Basic Identifiers and Contact Information

We collect some information from you when you provide it to us directly, such as via an email or online form, through the support feature embedded in our Services, or through another form of inquiry. This information may include your name, email, and phone number.

1.3. Device Information

When you download and use our Services, we automatically collect information on the type of device you use, operating system, resolution, application version, mobile device identifiers (such as your device ID, advertising ID), language, time zone and IP address.

1.5. Information provided to us directly

Photos that you upload to our apps, for example to use the Avatars and/or Video Avatars (referred collectively as «Avatars») feature. Please note that we always delete all metadata that may be associated with your photos by default (including, for example, geotags) before temporarily storing them to our systems. We can access your photos and videos only after you grant us permission to access your camera or your device photo library. You provide such a permission through the request that appears on your mobile device (it may differ depending on your device operating system). You may revoke permission to access your camera or photo library through the settings on your mobile device.


2.1. Who do we share your information with and why?

We guarantee that your personal data will not be rented out or sold to any third parties. However, we may share information obtained through tools such as cookies, log files, device identifiers, and location data with third-party organizations that offer automatic data processing technologies for our Apps. Please note that we have no control over these third-party tracking technologies or their possible usage.

To help us provide some aspects of our services, we work with trusted third parties and partners. To protect your data we limit information sharing to the scope of what they are helping us with. Examples of activities that third parties help us with include:

* providing analytics about our services
* providing sales and customer support
* maintaining the infrastructure required to provide our services
* delivering our marketing and advertising content

In order to obtain the essential infrastructure for the delivery and enhancement of our services, we may enlist the assistance of the following third-party service providers:

Appsflyer https://www.appsflyer.com/legal/services-privacy-policy/
Amplitude https://amplitude.com/privacy
Firebase https://firebase.google.com/support/privacy?hl=en

If you wish to obtain further information about services mentioned above, please consult the appropriate privacy policies and websites.

2.2. For legal reasons

We will share personal information with companies, organizations or individuals outside of My Company if we have a good-faith belief that access, use, preservation or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary to meet any applicable law, regulation, Legal process or enforceable governmental request. enforce applicable Terms of Service, including investigation of potential violations, detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues, protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of My Company, our users or the public as required or permitted by law.

We may share non-personal publicly and with our partners – like publishers, advertisers or connected sites. For example, we may share information publicly to show trends about the general use of our services.

If My Company is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, we will continue to ensure the confidentiality of any personal information and give affected users notice before personal information is transferred or becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

2.3. We use the information we collect for various purposes described below.

2.3.1. To provide, maintain, troubleshoot, and support our services.

We use your information for this purpose on the basis that it is required to fulfill our contractual obligations to you. Examples: using information about how much bandwidth you use and how long you use our services in order to provide the services in accordance with a plan to which you have subscribed; using threat and device information to determine whether certain items pose a potential security threat; and using usage information to troubleshoot a problem you report with our services and to ensure the proper functioning of our services.

2.3.2. For billing and payment purposes.

We use your information in order to perform billing administration activities and process payments, which are required to fulfill our contractual obligations.

2.2.3. To communicate with users and prospective users.

We use your information to communicate with you, including by responding to your requests, and sending you information and updates about our services. We may do this in order to fulfill our contract with you, because you consented to the communication, or because we have a legitimate interest in providing you with information about our services.

2.3.4. To improve our services.

We want to offer you the best services and user experiences we can, so we have a legitimate interest in continually improving and optimizing our services. To do so, we use your information to understand how users interact with our services. Examples: we analyze certain usage, device, and diagnostic information to understand aggregated usage trends and user engagement with our services (and, for example, invest in technical infrastructure to better serve regions with increasing user demand); we may use device and threat information to conduct spam, threat, and other scientific research to improve our threat detection capabilities; we review customer feedback to understand what we could be doing better.

2.3.5. To develop new services.

We have a legitimate interest in using your information to plan for and develop new services. For example, we may use customer feedback to understand what new services users may want.

To market and advertise our services. We may use your information to provide, measure, personalize, and enhance our advertising and marketing based on our legitimate interest in offering you services that may be of interest. Examples: we may use information such as who or what referred you to our services to understand how effective our advertising is; we may use information to administer promotional activities such as sweepstakes and referral programs.

2.3.6. To prevent harm or liability.

We may use information for security purposes (such as to investigate security issues or to monitor and prevent fraud) and to prevent abuse. We may do this to comply with our legal obligations, to protect an individual’s vital interests, or because we have a legitimate interest in preventing harm or liability to My Company and our users. For example, we may use account, usage, and device information to determine if an entity is engaging in abusive or unauthorized activity in connection with our services.

2.3.7. For legal compliance.

We internally use your information as required by applicable law, legal process, or regulation. To learn about our practices regarding sharing your information with third parties for legal compliance purposes, see Section 3.1 below. We also use your information to enforce our legal rights and resolve disputes.

2.4. Duration of personal data storage

We usually keep your personal information for as long as it is necessary to carry out the functional service of the App and to comply with legal obligations. If you wish to stop us from utilizing your information that we have access to and store, you can request that we delete your personal information and close your account.
Nonetheless, some data may still be kept for a limited duration (which will not exceed the required storage purpose) if the information is essential to fulfill legal obligations such as taxation, accounting, audit, or to maintain safety and data backup settings, prevent fraud or other malicious activities.


3.1. About Tracking Technologies

My Company uses various technologies in our services to help us collect information. For convenience, we refer to these as «tracking technologies,» although they are not always used to track individuals and the information collected is in a non-identifiable form that does not reference any personal data. Tracking technologies include:


Cookies are small portions of text that are stored on the device you use to access our services. Cookies enable us (or third parties that we allow to set cookies on your device) to recognize repeat users. Cookies may expire after a period of time, depending on what they are used for.

Pixel Tags / Page Tags / Web Beacons / Tracking Links.

These are small, hidden images and blocks of code placed in web pages, ads, and our emails that allow us to determine if you perform a specific action. When you access a page, ad, or email, or click a link, these items let us know that you have accessed that page, opened an email, or clicked a link.


SDKs or software development kits are software code provided by our business partners that let our software interact with the services those partners provide. For example, in our free mobile apps, we may use an SDK to enable our app to serve ads from an advertising network. Sometimes these interactions will involve that business partner collecting some information from the device on which the software is run.

3.2. Why we use Cookies

We use cookies:

To provide our services.

Some cookies are essential for the proper operation of our services. For example, cookies allow us to authenticate who you are and whether you’re authorized to access a resource.

To store your preferences.

Cookies can store your preferences, such as language preferences or whether to pre-fill your username on sign in forms. We may also use them to optimize the content that we show to you.

For analytics.

Cookies are used to inform us how users interact with our services so we can, as a legitimate interest, improve how they work (such as what screens or webpages you access, and whether our advertising is effective).

For security.

Cookies can enable us and our payment processors to detect certain kinds of fraud.

For advertising-related purposes.

We advertise our services online with the help of third parties who show ads and marketing about us on sites around the internet.

3.3. Third Parties

We may allow our business partners to place certain tracking technologies in our services. These partners use these technologies for the following purposes:

To provide our services.

Some business partners who help us to provide our services may use these technologies to support those efforts.

For Analytics.

To help us understand how you use our services.

For Marketing.

To help us market and advertise our services to you, including on third party websites.

Cookies are used in connection with this to measure the performance of our advertising, attribute actions you take with our ads with actions you take on our services, deliver ad retargeting (serving ads based on your past interactions with our services), and target ads at similar audiences.

To Serve Ads.

This is relevant to users of our free products only. Ad networks may use these technologies to display ads which they think will be more relevant to you. For more information, please see the «Displaying Third Party Ads» section above.

3.4. Your Choices:

Our Cookies.

Most web browsers and some mobile devices give you the ability to manage your cookie preferences, including deleting cookies and blocking cookies from being set on those browsers or devices. Visit the «help» section of your browser to understand what controls it gives you over cookies. Note that deleting or blocking certain cookies could adversely impact the proper operation of our services.

Google Analytics.

We use Google Analytics to help us understand how users use our services. Google makes available a Google Analytics Opt Out Browser Add-On if you do not want to participate in Google Analytics.


4.1. Transfers to Other Countries

My Company may transfer your personal data to countries other than the one in which you reside. We do this to facilitate our operations, and transferees include service providers and partners. Laws in other countries may be different to those that apply where you reside. For example, personal data collected within Switzerland or the European Economic Area (EEA) may be transferred and processed outside Switzerland or the EEA for purposes described in this policy. However, we put in place appropriate safeguards that help to ensure that such data receives an adequate level of protection.


My Company generally retains your personal data for as long as is needed to provide the services to you, or for as long as you have an account with us. We may also retain personal data if required by law, or for our legitimate interests, such as abuse detection and prevention, and defending ourselves from legal claims. Residual copies of personal data may be stored in backup systems for a limited period as a security measure to protect against data loss.


Depending on your country of residence, you may have certain legal rights in relation to your personal data that we maintain. Subject to exceptions and limitations provided by applicable law, these may include the right to:

access and receive a copy of your personal data;
correct your personal data;
restrict the processing of your personal data;
object at any time to the processing of your personal data;
have your personal data erased;
data portability;
withdraw any consent you previously gave to the processing of your data (such as opting out to marketing communications);
lodge a complaint with a data protection authority;
request that we provide you with the categories of personal data we collect, disclose or sell about you;
the categories of sources of such information; the business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling your personal data; and the categories of third parties with whom we share personal data. This information may also be provided in this Privacy Policy.

Please note your rights and choices vary depending on your location, and some information may be exempt from certain requests under applicable law.

You may be able to exercise some of these rights by using the settings and tools provided in our services. For example, you may be able to update your user account details via the relevant account settings screen of our apps. You may also be able to opt-out from receiving marketing communications from us by clicking an «opt-out» or «unsubscribe» link in such communications.

Otherwise, if you wish to exercise any of these rights, you may contact us using the details in the «Contact Us» section below. As permitted by law, we may ask you to verify your identity before taking further action on your request.


We do not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 16 years old (or older if required in an applicable jurisdiction to comply with applicable laws). If you are not over 16 years old (or older if required in an applicable jurisdiction to comply with applicable laws) then DO NOT DOWNLOAD OR USE THE SERVICES. If you believe that we may have personal information from or about a child under the age of 16 years old, please contact us here. Note that we’ll attempt to delete the account of any child under the age of 16 that’s reported to us as soon as possible. You are responsible for any and all account activity conducted by a minor on your account.


ESTU may update this Privacy Policy from time to time in accordance with this section for reasons such as changes in laws, industry standards, and business practices. ESTU will post updates to this page and update the «Last updated» date above. If we make updates that materially alter your privacy rights, we will also provide you with advance notice, such as via email or through the services. If you disagree with such an update to this policy, you may cancel your services account. If you do not cancel your account before the date the update becomes effective, your continued use of our services will be subject to the updated Privacy Policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us: